$45.00 – $1,100.00
Formal Name: (6aR,9R)-N,N,7-Triethyl-4,6,6a,7,8,9-hexahydroindolo-[4,3-fg]quinoline-9-carboxamide
CAS Number: 65527-62-0
Synonyms: 6-ethyl-6-nor-Lysergic
Molecular Formula: C12H27N3O
ETH-LAD is 6-ethyl-6-nor-Lysergic acid diethylamide is a psychedelic from the Lyserga goodmide chemical class. LSD is chemically identical to ETH_LAD and has a similar mechanism of action. ETH-LAD, like AL-LAD and 1P-LSD, is one of many Lysergaminds. ETH-LAD was found to have a potency that is slightly higher than LSD-25, and a longer research time.
ETH-LAD, a synthetic alkaliod belonging to the lysergamide chemical group, is called. It is structurally similar in structure to LSD-25. You can find an N-N-diethylamide functional band bound to Rn. It is officially classified as a lysergamide but it contains overlapping tryptamine and penethylamine structures within its molecular structure. This normally leads to its core polycyclic structure becoming an idole derivative.
ETH-LAD is a synthetic psychedelic compound that is sometimes used in research for its effects on serotonin receptors in the brain. It is a derivative of LSD and produces similar effects such as altered perception, mood, and thought patterns.
As with all research chemicals, it is important to handle ETH-LAD with care and caution. Researchers should be well-informed about the proper safety precautions, dosing guidelines, and potential risks associated with its use. It is also important to ensure that research is conducted in accordance with local regulations and ethical guidelines.
It is not recommended to use ETH-LAD for any purposes other than research, as its effects on the brain and body are not fully understood and could be potentially dangerous. If you have any questions or concerns about the use of ETH-LAD in research, it is best to consult with a qualified professional or a reputable research institution.
Our website, rchemic, allows you to purchase research chemicals that include ETH-LAD. Before they are made available for sale, all our research chemicals have been tested and analyzed. This is the only way to ensure that our top-quality ETH-LAD products are available. We are happy to help you with any questions or provide further information.
This is for educational purposes only. rchemic will not sell ETH-LAD except for scientific and educational purposes. NOT for human consumption or veterinarian use. We ship to US and worldwide.
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