3-Chloromethcathinone, or 3-CMC since it is commonly known, is a cathinone class research chemical. The core structure of this subcategory, also known as cathinone, is similar to that of bupropion. In terms of pharmacology, however, 3-CMC is different from bupropion.
The use of the beta carbon in the amphetamine structure allows for the discovery of cathinones such as 3 CMC by means of kettone substitution. Two methyl substitutions can be found in the 3-CMC cathinone structure, one at the phenyl rings and one at the nitrogen group. Mephedrone is very similar to 3-CMC in structure. Only difference is where the methyl groups are placed. The price for this particular specimen is R3, while mephedrone is R4.
Where to buy 3-CMC
rchemic lets you buy research chemicals containing 3-CMC directly from our website. Before they are made available for sale, all of our research chemicals have been thoroughly tested. This is how we ensure high-quality 3-CMC products. We are happy to answer your questions or provide more information. This product is only for educational purposes. rchemic doesn’t sell 3-CMC except for scientific and educational purposes. Not for human consumption nor veterinarian use. We ship internationally, even to the USA.
2 reviews for 3-CMC
Rated 5 out of 5
Harry V –
This is an excellent product if you are trying to manage anxiety.
Rated 5 out of 5
Darren –
3-CMC was an intense rollercoaster of emotions. Initially euphoric and energizing, but quickly turned into restlessness.
Harry V –
This is an excellent product if you are trying to manage anxiety.
Darren –
3-CMC was an intense rollercoaster of emotions. Initially euphoric and energizing, but quickly turned into restlessness.