Synthacaine, a new research chemical, falls under the stimulant category. Synthacaine is frequently referred to by chemical researchers as a substitute for substances like Crack or Dimethocaine. Synthacaine can produce studies that last up to five hours after a laboratory research starts. Because of positive experimental results, Synthacaine is often quickly gaining attention.
What is Synthacaine
Synthacaine can be purchased as a stimulant that contains a mixture of benzocaine and 3-FPM. This term is one of many increasingly popular designer drugs available online. This can be a stimulant known to trigger fits of euphoria.
3-FPM, also known as 3-fluorophenmetrazine or PAL-593, is a stimulant based in phenylmopholine and a fluorinated analogue of phenmetrazine which alone is now very popular for use being a synthetic drug.
Where to buy Synthacaine
rchemic lets you buy research chemicals containing Synthacaine directly from our website. Before they are made available for sale, all of our research chemicals have been thoroughly tested. This is how we ensure high-quality Synthacaine products. We are happy to answer your questions or provide more information. This product is only for educational purposes. rchemic doesn’t sell Synthacaine except for scientific and educational purposes. Not for human consumption nor veterinarian use. We ship internationally, even to the USA.
1 review for Synthacaine Powder
Rated 5 out of 5
Clark –
Good functional stim for those looking for lengthy term research.
Clark –
Good functional stim for those looking for lengthy term research.